Sweet Blueberry Scrolls + Savoury Olive Tapenade Scrolls

I was recently in the UK and being away from home I really missed my baking. So the need arose to knead! And I really wanted to make some treats for my amazing hosts who looked after me so well while in the UK.

So this is what I came up with - a variation of Norwegian boller. I made sweet scrolls filled with blueberries and some fruit mince leftover from Christmas - made by the wonderful Joan - and savoury scrolls filled with black olive tapenade.

The test came because I had to make the dough from scratch without the aid of my beloved KitchenAid. Actually, making dough is very easy by hand and I was glad I did so because it's good to get in touch with the feel of the dough when you make it by hand.

So here's the recipe. The method uses an electric mixer - but feel free to mix by hand, particularly if you’re looking for a good arm workout.

For the dough

275ml full-fat milk (room temperature)

1 free-range egg (room temperature)

10g instant yeast

255g plain flour

255g strong flour

50g caster sugar

10g salt

80g unsalted butter in small pieces (softened)

Extra sea salt for sprinkling

Blueberry filling

100g fresh blueberries

2 tablespoons fruit mince (or substitute good quality berry jam)

Black olive tapenade filling

4 tablespoons olive tapenade (or substitute pesto if you prefer)

Mix the milk and egg and whisk in the yeast. In an electric mixer, combine the flour, sugar and salt. Scatter the butter pieces through the dough. Add the milk, egg and yeast. Turn the mixer to low and mix to combine the ingredients.

Continue to mix on low until everything is incorporated. Increase the speed to medium and mix for about 10 minutes. After this time, check to see if the dough windowpanes. The dough should be lovely and stretchy and pass the windowpane test if you pull and stretch a small section – it should be translucent.

Cover the bowl with cling wrap or a plastic shower cap and leave to prove for 1-2hours until doubled in size. Press the dough down, and then place the bowl in thefridge for 2 hours. The dough will develop some more plus firm up to help with the next stage of shaping.

Remove the dough from the fridge and turn it onto a lightly floured surface. Divide into 12 pieces. Roll each piece into a rectangle. Spread 6 rectangles with a spoonful of the blueberry filling, and 6 rectangles with a spoonful of the tapenade filling, spreading to the edges. Roll up each rectangle on the long side. Starting at one end, cut down the middle longways, leaving a couple of centimetres at the top.

Twist each strip together and fold the ends together in a loose knot. Place the scrolls on two baking trays lined with baking paper. Cover each tray with a large plastic bag and refrigerate overnight or for several hours.

Preheat the oven to 195°C or 175°C fan. Remove the scrolls straight from the fridge and bake for 15 -20 minutes until burnished brown. Remove from the oven and cool to room temperature. These scrolls are best eaten on the day they’re made.


Strawberry and Peach Vanilla Jam


Summer Fruit Compote with Panettone